Мажоры Германии показывают своё богатство в Инстаграме (17 фото)

Частные самолеты, море шампанского, суперкары, эксклюзивные часы - всю эту роскошь богатые детишки из Германии выставляют на всеобщее обозрение в Инстаграме. Впрочем, мажорам не привыкать хвастаться родительскими бабками в данном сервисе.
Мажоры Германии показывают своё богатство в Инстаграме (17 фото)

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  1. Владислав
    Владислав 29 декабря 2020 11:44 0
    Hi, I am Vlad, I appeal to everyone who lives abroad of Russia. If you are reading this. and you are a melionaire. please read this to the end. I will be very grateful. Thank you. I do not know how to ask you for help, I hope for your help. I live in a small area. I want to start a small business. If you can help me. Any quantity. from you will help me a lot. for the purchase of equipment. for the production of wood concrete. these are blocks for building a house, etc. I don't need much. But I myself cannot. Help me, I ask the Mellion people, wealthy people, please answer. thank you. on the map. transfer to Sberbank. 10-20 $ I think it's easy for you. thank you. waiting for an answer. and with the coming year 2021 it will bring happiness,
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